XPort Direct+, Arduino Nano, & POST

So I have been tasked with this project. Essentially I need a way to posting commands via Ethernet to the Nano. These are not complex commands, literally just actuating pins as needed. However I am having trouble finding examples on how to do this. Most of the tutorials I find online are for getting data from the Arduino => Web, and I need to do it the other way =) Any help would be great!!!

I also wanted to ask if there was any way to server up php from the Xport?

Thank you!


Essentially I need a way to posting commands via Ethernet to the Nano.

You probably want to look at the WebServer example--assuming you wish to use the official Arduino ethernet shield. Depending on how sophisticated your needs are there's also a couple of high-level "frameworks" you might want to look into.

I also wanted to ask if there was any way to server up php from the Xport?



I am using Ladyada's Xport sheild w/ an Xport Direct+, what options does that leave me with? Thank you also for your quick response!!!



I have not experience with that solution, I'd suggest asking on the ladyada forums.
