sending of spoofing FM signals to a RC car ?

i have no idea :stuck_out_tongue: the receiver has 3 cords going to a circuitboard that connects to the motor, is that it ? :slight_smile:

I think I understand what you have. You are have a hobby shop RC not a store RC. Hobby shop RCs have interchangeable receivers, store RCs do not. The motor should have the same plug as the servo, correct?

uhhm no this is a hobby shop RC and i have a receiver with 4 different plugs, CH1, CH2, CH3 and BATT :stuck_out_tongue: the servo is just like the servo's used with arduino's and connects to CH2 while the motor is connected to CH1(throught the circuitboard) :slight_smile:

That's kinda what I said. If the motor goes in Ch1 then it can be controlled by the arduino too.

I'm guessing your referring to the speed control circuit board.
Motor <= speed control <= receiver
You can use the speed controller that's fine just make sure the grounds both motor and arduino are connected. Leave off the positive from the motor and just use the signal wire to the arduino.

hmm im not sure im understanding what u mean :stuck_out_tongue: i get the speed control part etc... but leaving of the positive on the motor ? O.o that sounds weird

Umm, the plug coming from the speed controller has 3 wires coming out of it, going to the receiver correct?

They should be:
V+ * you dont need this, unless you are still using the actual receiver
ground * this must be connected to the ground pin on the arduino (common ground)
signal * this you plug into the PWM pin your using on the arduino (PWM will allow you to change the speed)

sounds awesome man ;D yea i am sorry if i have been bothering u all this, i actually have a lot of knowledge of electronics, just not arduino :stuck_out_tongue: im actually a electronics student and im used to working with PLC's and automated circuits :stuck_out_tongue: the reason why i ask so much is because im afraid of bricking the arduino or some of the parts and i like having knowlegdeof what im working on :wink:

okay so V+ is like 5v ? then i could maybe power the arduino without an external power source into the "vin" port ;D and ill try hooking up the signal to a PWM port and ofc common ground :wink:

that could work but the Vin has to be within the required range:

Input Voltage 7-12V (recommended)
Input Voltage 6-20V (limits)

I am not sure if you have seen this and the explanation in this video is not as clear as I hoped it would be - I will redo it soon - but for now it should give you some idea of what goes where. Ignore the bit about hacking the receiver and PPM, you can use your receiver channels as they are.

In this case, I do use the V+ from the ESC because it provides the power circuit for the receiver and steering servo. You could use this to power the Arduino, but I beleive its much better to use the battery power through the Arduino regulator. DC motors can generate a lot of noise and the regulator provides a some buffering from this noise.

Duane B

duane :smiley: u have the same receiver as me lol, its the exact same thing ;D anyways ima try and hook it up soon :wink:

hey guys its me again :slight_smile: i removed the receiver and connected my arduino(uno) to the speed controller and gave the arduino 5v on the vin pin, common ground and then i connected the signal to PMW pin 3, the motor is working and im able to drive it for aslong as i would like to, but the problem i am facing is that i can't controll the speed :S i am connected to a PWM pin(3) and if im giving it 255 in value it goes just as fast as if im giving it 1 in value :confused:

do you know what could be causing this ? btw my code:

int signal = 3;
int workingLed = 11;
int force = 1;

void setup() {
  pinMode(workingLed, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(signal, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  analogWrite(signal, force);
  analogWrite(signal, force);

Try this, wire in the CH1 signal wire from the receiver to the ARD and do an analogRead of the signal that is being put out when the throttle is at is minimum and maximum. That way you can see what values your Speed control responds to. Also you are using the servo library right?

Stop !

From the code you posted, you are not using the servo library, stop now before you damage something and read up on the servo library, then start using it.

The servo library generates the correct type of signal for you RC Equipment, its PWM but not the type of PWM you get from analogWrite, this should explain the type of signal that your RC Equipment expects and that the servo library generates -

Duane B

I wanted him to test the signal aside from his actual code. It was my mistake for not making that clear, Thank you for catching that.

hmm yea ill look into the servo library :stuck_out_tongue: allthought i am not controlling a servo :S

and yes i did actually read the analog input earlier in this project and found the following values:

full throttle: 1500+
still throttle: 1450
backwards: 1450-

full throttle: 1500+
still throttle: 1450
backwards: 1450-

Ok so it holds the value when it is still, I'm guessing center is 0, and your limits are +1500 and -1500.
And you said before

and if im giving it 255 in value it goes just as fast as if im giving it 1 in value :confused:

, so now im not sure why you cant control that motor.

If you want, you can use a H-Bridge driver. I used a SN754410NE IC for my robot and it worked just fine, but there are MANY others to choose from. I dont see why your speed controller is giving the same speed at 1 and 255, that should not be, even for PWM.

Go with an H-bridge, I guess.

hmm yea ill look into the servo library :stuck_out_tongue: allthought i am not controlling a servo :S

You're controlling something which is designed to be controlled by the same signal as a servo - from the Arduino's point of view, you are controlling a servo. The usual analogWrite() PWM output does not produce the signal you need for this and would result in exactly the symptoms you're describing; it is no use in this situation - you need to use the Servo library.

okay i tried using the servo library without luck :confused: i attached the motor pin(3) and tried with both write and writeMicroseconds and both just starts my engine at full power for 1 sec then shuts it off :confused: i ended up with this code in the end(not working):

#include <Servo.h>

int motor = 3;
int workingLed = 11;
int force = 1;

Servo servo;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 179; x++) {

i have no idea what could be wrong :L

Please post a picture of your motor with everything attached. Something is wrong here.

okay time for a little explanation :stuck_out_tongue: i am going to post pictures with a little detailed information about how its all hooked up :stuck_out_tongue:

first of all the almighty arduino:

regular arduino UNO, i have a signal pin coming in on PWM 3, V+ containing 5v going to the vin and GND going to "GND" :L here is a picture of the arduino's hook up:

then we have the motor:

as u can see its a DC brushless motor from kyosho :stuck_out_tongue: and it has something called HI-torque ? well thats all the information i have on it :slight_smile:

next we have the speed controller connected to the arduino using a 3 wires :stuck_out_tongue: supposedly V+ (i used a multimeter, its 5v) connected to vin on the arduino, ground(connected to arduino's GND) and the signal wire connected to PMW pin 3 on the arduino. image of the speed controller:

basicly its just a cooling block, a chip that controlls the motor and speed of it etc... i checked the IC and it is a M51660L chip :slight_smile: uhm the engine is connected to the speed controller using 2 wires that is red and black(+ and -) xD jupp thats it for the speed controller

next up is the receiver :stuck_out_tongue: it has 4 different sets of pins, these are batt, CH1, CH2 and CH3 each of them have 3 pins(V+, ground, signal) its a Hitec HFS-03MT extra narrow band, single conversion xD anyways here it is(btw it is not connected to the circuit anymore):

nothing to say for the receiver :stuck_out_tongue:

then we have the battery, its from "RC System" it outputs 8,4 Volts 3000 mAh at it says "ref. SA10048N" on it :stuck_out_tongue: picture below:

connected to the speed controller using one of thoose regular RC battery cables :stuck_out_tongue:

and at last we have my code being used, notice that i have already tried different syntaxes like servo.write etc... this is just the code i ended up with :stuck_out_tongue:

#include <Servo.h>

int motor = 3;
int workingLed = 11;
int force = 1;

Servo servo;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  for(int x = 0; x < 179; x++) {