1 inch or smaller color display?

Is there a color display that is 1 inch square or less?


1.1" x 1.1" small enough?

0.96" OLED display on a B.O.B... "OLED Breakout Board - 16-bit Color 0.96 w/microSD holder : ID 684 : $29.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits". A little pricey compared to the larger displays (320 X 240, 3.2" 65K color from Amazon for $18.98 with sd card and a good sensitive touch screen too).


on a better note.
whats the smallest projector you can get? something like this:

i'm not that great with arduino library coding.
so it would be nice if it already had a library for it.

"Thursday, July 1, 2010" Nearly 2.5 years ago. Likely something even smaller is out by now :wink:

In My wanderings and in all of my reading this is the first I knew of it. I can't imagine that it could exist in a cell phone due to power supply considerations for the source of illumination. I'd buy one in a heartbeat, were it available and inexpensive < $100.00.. The Ultimate GLCD...


And this one?

4D Systems µOLED-96-G2(SGC) with embedded graphic controller. Only three pins required, RX + TX + reset!

Main benefit is you can use the Serial_LCD Library Suite with high level commands.

Website: http://embeddedcomputing.weebly.com/serial-lcd.html
Download: http://embeddedcomputing.weebly.com/download.html
Forum: http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,60802.90.html