2.8" TFT LCD on R4 Wifi Issue

I have been making a heads up display type system with an arduino r3 and 2.8" tft display. It's one of those cheap screens that fits right on the arduino. I recently upgraded to a r4 wifi for the integrated can bus and wifi but am having issues with the screen. After updating the IDE for the new board I am getting a compile error with the Adafruit TFTLCD Library.
\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_TFTLCD_Library/pin_magic.h:467:2: error: #error "Board type unsupported / not recognized"

#error "Board type unsupported / not recognized"

I assume this is saying that the library doesn't have support for this new board. Is there any way to go about this by changing parts of the library or does anyone know of a lcd screen that is useable on the new boards? Thank you!

Neither nor.
Changing the library of course should be possible, but will not be easy the way Adafruit_SPITFT is designed and implemented.
I assume you have a MCUFriend kind of shield for UNO.
Maybe this post can help you: Uno R4 Wifi with 3.5" TFT LCD not compiling

I read through the post and related posts but still don't understand. And the specific shield I have is listed as "ELEGOO UNO R3 2.8 Inches TFT Touch Screen with SD Card Socket with Technical Data for Arduino UNO R3" on amazon. I'm not sure if that is or isn't the same as the MCUFriend that you referred to.


Has a pinout picture and controller information ILI9341.

The pinout is identical to the MCUFriend UNO shields, LCD_D0 on UNO pin 8, LCD_D1 on UNO pin 9.

My fork https://github.com/ZinggJM/Arduino_GFX has two modified examples:
Clock and PDQgraphicstest
that use an include file known_good.h,
which is configured for the databus for this shield, and the controller ILI9341.
So you can use it unmodified with your display.
Download the fork as ZIP-file, and install with Library Manager method Add ZIP-file.

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