28BYJ-48 stepper is only vibrating

Hi sirs,
I followed this tutorial to create a basic arrangement with a stepper motor, a drive and a feeder.

I can feel the motor vibrate, but it doesn't turn. Why?
Changing delayMicroseconds parameter the frequency changes inversely proportional

The motor power supply may be inadequate. Please post a clear, close up focused photo of your setup.

This is a better tutorial: https://lastminuteengineers.com/28byj48-stepper-motor-arduino-tutorial/

Testing with the instrument I found 5V coming from the left white cable

Those breadboard adaptors are not capable in most cases of supplying the current required.
They fail often where a load is involved and let out magic smoke.

Almost all motors of any description require a supply that exceeds the current requirement of the motor being driven.
They also often require better drivers.
The one you are using it exceptionally inefficient and power hungry.

If you use the forum search you will find lots of issues with the driver you are using and suggestions for suitable replacements.

Do you have the 5V or 12V version of the motor?

Use your multimeter to check voltages on the motor pins and report back.

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I have the 5V versione.
here the voltages I measure

Voltages like 1.6V are too low to operate the motor.

The power supply is inadequate, or the breadboard tracks have burned.

Follow a better tutorial, like the one linked above, and use a 5V 1A phone charger for the power supply. Don't use breadboards for motors or servos.

I followed the xxx tutorial and I changed the supply to a USB one. The result is the same, the stepper motor is vybrating with the same voltage as the picture above.

PS. since i don't have the breadboard anymore I don't know where to put the ground. Is there any way to bring together them in the same plug?

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