3.2 tft lcd identity

Hello need some help I ordered a 3.2 tft lcd touch panel and sd card slot 400 240 the blue one with shield and I got sent this green one but have looked online for information on it and can't fined anything has anyone ever seen it befor it's not working in my project I'm following see need to change drivers and stuff but to what to I'm new to arduino so any help would be amazing

3.2TFT shiled for Arduino Due_LRG.jpg

This is the green screen they sent me and ideas becouse I'm lost haha

What can anyone see from the screen view? The printing is useful: "3.2 TFT LCD 240x400"

Please post a photo of the pcb view. And a link to the actual Ebay sale.

Likewise, please post a link to the Adapter Shield.

Your photo shows a Blue pcb for the 40-pin Display. And a Black pcb for the Adapter.
Your next message just says "green" with no explanation.


Sorry don't know what happened there pics not uploading will sort it out this is what I ordered 3.2" TFT 400*240 SD Touch Module With Shield for Arduino Due - emartee.com

It's not letting me upload pic of my screen the model number is KMR32BV1 but can't find it anywhere the pins are as follows


They said it would work but all I get is white screen this is the project I'm trying to do http://rduinoscope.co.nf

Well, it looks as if your website provides libraries and examples.
Have you downloaded their "42777.rar" documentation ?
Installed their libraries etc ?

I can only assume that they have tested their hardware with their libraries. And that their examples work 100%.

I do not see any photos of your "green" screen. Is the pcb identical to the blue pcb in the link?

Get your display working with their libraries and examples.
Ask specific questions. Bear in mind that it is unlikely anyone has the same hardware. Hence the questions about photos of the pcb.


It didn't work with theres I don't even think they knew what screen they sent me becouse they give me a full refund witch is amazing and I'm very thankful for but if I can I would love to get the screen working or I'm going to have to order another one thanks for your help I'm at work so when I get home will take nice close up pics of it all so maybe you can help more it's impossible for you to help if you haven't got all the infomation thanks once again

Hopefully got it this time haha

Well, it looks as if all the 20x2 signals are in the same order. The legends seem to be back to front.
Normally you would identify pin #1 as top left male. Whereas your pinout looks like pin #1 as top left female.

I would verify the wiring of the NC pins. And identify the GND connection. As long as they mate correctly, I would not worry about male/female pin #1.

Plug everything togther as Nature intended. Then run the sketch from my PM. Paste the output from the Serial Terminal.


It looks as if UTFT v2.8.2 supports your Adapter and your screen.


// ElecHouse TFT LCD/SD Shield for Arduino Due
// -------------------------------------
// Uncomment the following line if you are using this shield
// For this shield: RS=22, WR=23, CS=31, RST=33

and your HX8352-A is model: HX8352A for the constructor.

So I am sure that everything should work just fine for you.

I would appreciate it if you tried both libraries.
But I would also guess that the Vendor's examples should all work too.


Is this how you mean sorry about the pic how do you copy text off the serial moniter

Not sure if it's uploading again :confused:

You click your mouse anywhere inside the Serial Terminal. Then use ctrl-A to select and ctrl-C to copy.
Then paste into your message. Preferably to a CODE window.

Your JPEG seems to report 00 00 everywhere. So it was worth doing the test. Your display is not reading correctly.

I will check the Adapter pinout document. I presume that you have verified that your Adapter matches the pinout doc.


Sorry took so long to reply yes mate if looked at the pinout with the diagram they sent me

But that has 34-pins. Your ElecHouse Adapter has a 40-pin socket.

You need a 34-pin Adapter. I don't think that anyone makes a 34-pin Adapter.

You would need about 26 male-female jumper wires to wire it by hand.


Sorry mate my mistake

Go on. That is the same as you had posted earlier. And is the ELECHOUSE Adaptor.

Does the soldering look good? There do not seem to be any jumpers that could go wrong.

So quite honestly, you plug everything together and it should work.
Have you compared the pin markings on your Green pcb with the 20x2 socket on the Adapter?
Have you tested the continuity between pins on the Display with pins on the Due? (with the Due un-powered)

Run the LCD_ID_readreg sketch again. Paste the output from the Serial Terminal


OK will do mate when my daughter goes to bed I'm going to get my multimeter out and test all the pins one by one

All pins so fare are good exept pin 37 led_a ment to go to 5v pin but can't get find it on due pins anywhere I'm just about to check the rest now