3 wire load cell and HX711 weight compensation

in my project I use 3 wire load cell (like this (3wire 50KG) but mine are purchased from ebay) and HX711 for weighing.

My wiring is like this (but i use Arduino mini pro 3V3):

Apparently it should be a full-bridge circuit where the temperature is fully compensated and temperature changes are minimal. However, my last-day charts are like this (is loaded statically with 18kg).

The graphs show that the weight varies with temperature. Therefore, I put all temperatures and changes from the calibration value into a graph and from this came out this graph. Where the X-axis is the temperature and the Y-axis is the change from the known value (18KG).

This chart showed me that the weight is probably not ONLY dependent on temperature as the first charts might seem.

I'm really frustrated about it because I've tried everything, but the result is always the same, even though this wiring should compensate for itself.

Has anyone encountered anything like this?

Thank you for any advice!


but i use Arduino mini pro 3V3...

Did you use a HX711 board with separate 5volt analogue supply and 3.3volt logic supply.
The 4.25volt regulated excitation supply for the load cells won't be able to work properly with 3.3volt.
That might only be part of the problem though.

Did you use a HX711 board with separate 5volt analogue supply and 3.3volt logic supply.
The 4.25volt regulated excitation supply for the load cells won't be able to work properly with 3.3volt.
That might only be part of the problem though.

HX711 power supply is from VCC of Arduino mini pro. This means that it is powered from stabilized 3V3