3D Models on a 4D systems touch display

Hi All,

Does anyone know of any way to display 3D models or pictures on a 4D systems touch display and interact with them? Since I'm not a programmer I wouldn't have a clue where to start. Also I don't know how to write 4DGL code. I use the ViSi-Genie design environment for the display and arduino for the rest of the programming. If anyone could help me out or point me in the right direction, that would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,


No clue what a 4D systems touch display and interact with them is...

WHat kind of 3D models?

Created in what app?

What are doing with the Arduino currently (as you mention) for display stuff?

I assume that you don't plane to rotate or otherwise interact with this "3D" picture as that would be impossible I think with an Arduino as the platform.

So that leaves just displaying this "3D" image which is no different to any other photo, load it onto the SD card and IIRC it needs about 5 lines of code to display it, but I haven't used these for ages.

The 4DS forum would be a better place to ask.