Hi. I'm trying to light a 5v neopixel led strip with a 3.3v arduino and a mosfet. Is this possible? How is the correct wiring. I've been unable to turn it on.
Please post your schematic, code and links to the technical details of components. Maybe you connected something wrong. It's not clear what or why you are using a MOSFET, these are not normally required for controlling a ws2812 strip.
Some, perhaps most, ws2812 strips will work fine with a 3.3V data signal, but some will not. A logic level shifter may be required. It's that what your MOSFET is used for?
With real Worldsemi WS2812 it must work with 3,3V The datasheet say Vih min 2,7V max VDD+0.7V.
Level shifter with MOSFET (BSS138), they are many example with schematic on the internet.
Other possibility using TXB0101. Works on the same manner as the MOSFET.
Other possibility using 74HCT1G126GV.
I've solved it, the issue was the code for some reason not working, changed to strandtest in the example library and it worked with the 3.3v.
The example does have this comments:
// - When using a 3.3V microcontroller with a 5V-powered NeoPixel strip,
It worked directly anyway, thank you.
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