5x5 matrix programming - Newbie needs help/tips :)

So i have built a 5x5 LED matrix. Hardware done. Now the programming is left and im having some trouble to find good and understandable tutorials, guidelines, help etc. for know i just use digitalWrite to make the LEDs light but i would like how to cool animation using layer (i think thast whats called where they use stuff like B0001000). also i would like to learn how to program stuff like game of life, scrolling text, display time or temperature. where can i find usefull, understandable and kinda step-by-step info to learn???
THANXS!!! :slight_smile:

To give advice on programming your 5x5 matrix we will need to see a schematic of how you wired it up and what Arduino your using.

well its an arduino uno R3. i want to post the picture but i cant find how :s
i used blue LEDs, and 18 ohms resistors. didnt use transitors, so all rows and columns are connected directly to pins in the arduino.
refere to http://www.instructables.com/id/Yet-Another-Daft-Punk-Coffee-TableDisplay/step3/Wire-it-up/

i used blue LEDs, and 18 ohms resistors.

So you hate your arduino and want to destroy it do you?

This is a typical instructable circuit and is crap.

didnt use transitors,

That is why it is crap.

so all rows and columns are connected directly to pins in the arduino.

Which means you should only have one LED on at any one time instead of the normal row or column being on at one time.

This tells you about how to drive a proper matrix:-