7 segment led display clock and texts

7 segment display clock and text . I want to build a clock using 7 segment led display module. Is it possible to display text and time alternatively?
4 module display
Arduino UNO or ESP8266
RTC module

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It is not possible to display some text on 7-segment display. Only certain letters can be formed with 7 segments. Many letters cannot be. Maybe you want to consider 14-segment or 16-segment displays?

If your text can be shown on 7 segments, then it may be possible to alternate the time with text.

This could mean many things. Please post a link to the specifications of the display.

If you have not yet purchased a display, then the forum can help you to select a suitable one. Post links to some that you like.

If you choose ESP8266 and there will always be a wi-fi connection to the internet, then an RTC will not be needed.

However, because ESP8266 have few pins, you must choose a display with a driver circuit built-in. These use only a few pins.

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This thing exactly
I will build the segments myself with led strips


I will be using this library for text animation

Your link is broken, it does not link to a display.

I get it.

This will not be easy for a beginner. I suggest you make a small prototype first, using 4x small 7-segment display.

I suggest you use 4x 74hc595, one chip to drive each digit. There are chips which will control your displays with a single chip, but using 4x 74hc595 will make things easier when you are ready to build the large digits.

At that time, you can either replace the 74hc595 with tpic6b595 or add logic-level MOSFETS like irlz44 depending on how much current your segments will need.


we discussed enough about similar project.

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Look into this tutorial.

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Thankyou guys.
Will keep you updated about my project

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