A4988 seller recommendations

Can anyone recommend brands/amazon.ca links of stepper controllers are a good value?
Alternatively, I'll take warnings on which brands NOT to buy.
Thanks guys!

I recommend Pololu A4988 stepper driver. They cost a little more, but, as you can see, they offer a good instructional page for each product. Also their stuff is very high quality with quality parts. The cheaper stuff from Amazon or other sellers may have parts that were rejected by the manufacturer for not meeting specifications. Also Pololu has good tech support. They will actually answer questions, unlike some other sellers. The parts that I have purchased from Pololu have been trouble free.

What made you choose the A4988? What are the specs of the motor that you will drive with it (coil current rating)?

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What is the intended stepper motor? What current does it need in Your application?

If the stepper-motor needs 1A to 1,5A I would recommend a different stepper-driver

TMC2209 silent stepstick

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