Like the title says, I am trying to configure the Adafruit Feather nRF52 as a SPI slave, who will receive information from a MSP430 microcontroller.
I have found a few code examples that provide solutions to make SPI slaves with arduino :
How do you use SPI on an Arduino?
Unfortunately, both these links provide codes that use instructions like this one:
SPCR |= bit (SPE);
and when I try to compile on the arduino IDE, I get error messages like these :
error: 'SPCR' was not declared in this scope
Another person had the same error message and posted about it on stackexchange : arduino uno - problem in integrating the slave code in attiny 84 - Arduino Stack Exchange
and the only answer to that post points toward the fact that the chip isn't compatible with this kind of instructions.
I haven't found any SPI examples for that particular chip or board, so as a beginner programmer I'm a bit lost and hoping for some help and guidance as to how I should program a SPI slave without instructions like the one above.
Thank you in advance for your help !
PS: I don't have the login info of our Adafruit account so I cannot ask that question on the Adafruit forums