I regularly try to use the Espressif ESP32 with the Arduino Nano ESP32. This has version 3.0.4 while the Arduino Nano ESP32 board from Arduino itself is 2.0.13.
My program uses BLE, WIFI NTP OTA, Preferences and Neopixel libraries for WS2812 and SK6812 LED strips and it was a long search to find the cause.
To use the Neopixel library you have to set: Pin Numbering: By GPIO number (legacy) otherwise the LEDs will not work.
When my program is compiled with the Arduino 2.0.13 board all is fine but using the Espressif ESP32 3.0 board it crashes and reboots the MCU.
The culprit seems to be the strip.show(); command in the Adafruit Neopixel library.
When removed the program works as intended but without the LEDs turning ON and OFF
I made an issue in the Github Adafruit Neopixel repository and hope they fix it.
For the time being; use the official Arduino ESP32 board