Adafruit solar charger bq24074

Hello :slight_smile:
Is there somethin similar to the Adafruit solar charger bq24074: Adafruit Universal USB / DC / Solar Lithium Ion/Polymer charger [bq24074] : ID 4755 : $14.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits ?

I just wondered if there is something with similar features, but with the option to charge 3s (11,1V) batteries?

Thanks in advance.

Any 18650 charger. $15 on Amazon.
"Solar" panels will not push enough current.

okay thank you!
what's with that one?
Would I need a Battery Management System (BMS) with that one?

"18650" is a Li-ion battery cell. Small panels generate little current. I had a small panel that only charged its three batteries to half-full, but that took all day. If I plugged it into mains power, it was full in one hour.

Yeah I know that 18650 is a battery cell. I would have no problem that it would take a day to charge these batteries to half-full. How to charged these batteries with a solar cell?

You need a balancing charger to charge series packs correctly and safely, or use the Adafruit charger to charge single cells individually, then assemble them to make a series pack.

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