Alternative environments to Arduino IDE 0023/1


I have been looking and reading about alternatives to the arduino IDE.

Seems like the only real alternative that i have seen until now is Eclipse environment.

Does anyone know about other IDEs that support arduino development besides Eclipse?
Does anyone recommends using Eclipse?
What are the Pros and Cons?

Best regards

Maybe Visual Basic

I use Visual Studio 2010 with a plugin called Visual Micro. Provides its own serial monitor etc. and has syntax highlighting and intellisense.

I use eclipse for other things and I really like it. Unfortunately I couldn't get the eclipse plugin working, and didn't feel like following that long list of instructions to do it manually. If you can get it to work, I highly recommend geting used to that environment, as eclipse is used in LOTS of different places (arduino, c, c++, java, processing, android...).

Well, I use Visual C++ Express 2010 since it's free, fast & and has all of Microsoft's Intellisense/Code-completion features built-in :slight_smile:

I use it for writing code while doing compilation/uploading with Arduino IDE using the use external editor option. It takes a bit tweaking to make it work - but i found this simpler than Eclipse :slight_smile:

I have just recently posted a HOW TO here on the Arduino Playground.

If you have the full paid version of Visual Studio, you should consider Visual Micro as posted by Wazzled.

I assume you've already been through Development Tools playground page.