Alternative to SparkFun FT232 breakout board

Can some one who is more familiar with this tell me which of the following ebay items is a suitable alternative to SparkFun FT232 breakout board.

For the purpose of setting up an Atmega chip on a bread board as per

Either of those and many others besides... the breakouts you need if you want do the whole autoreset thing are rx, tx, dtr, vcc, gnd.

You might also consider getting a usbasp or similar to do the programming, simpler than anything else in the long run. The only advantage of the usb to tty converter is that you can also use it for connecting to the serial interface once the program is running.

I have a few of these... they are cheaper in Qty because of Free-Ship

These do reset the Arduino properly after sketch upload. Standard FTDI drivers.


After reading the bit about uploading using an UNO board (minus the atemga328P chip), I could just as easily stick a ziff socket in place of the atemga328P chip and then insert my atemga328P chips into the ziff socket.

I would also have a working UNO should I need to do any bootloading as well.

I could just as easily stick a ziff socket in place of the atemga328P chip and then insert my atemga328P chips into the ziff socket


There is this device AVR ISP ICSP Programmer Arduino Shield R2 – ElectroDragon for $11.95 and I've always had great products from Electrodragon.. W/O exception, Cheapest too..
and then theres this device (I bought one at another members advice) : which looks to fix several different issues, including adding a 10 pin ISP connector..



I could just as easily stick a ziff socket in place of the atemga328P chip and then insert my atemga328P chips into the ziff socket


Actually I meant sticking the ziff socket into the standard 8 pin socket on the UNO board itself, in place of the atmel328P.

I may have to solder some short stiff wires to the electrical contacts underneath the ziff socket if its own leads are not long or thick enough to be held firmly in place by the standard socket on the UNO board.

I could just switch a swap atmel chips in the standard socket on the UNO board, but I would risk damaging the pins of my primary atmel chip over a period of time.

This from is also an FTDI module, I use it on my boards to avoid having to solder FTDI chips:
Here it is on headers to be removable:

Actually I meant sticking the ziff socket into the standard 8 pin socket on the UNO board itself

Adafruit has a ZIF shield for the UNO... Not cheap, but high quality overall