i want to use this sensor to measure current and voltage through my circuit. Can the source in this picture come from the same Arduino board?
Where is the current from the Arduino coming from? An output pin (maximum 20 ~ 25mA continuous) or...? Correct your drawing to show that.
Using schematic as in your link, you will not able to measure voltage. To do it, connect bus GND to GND of INA219
i was going to use a battery, 3.7v li-po through boost converter to get my 5v then to a battery charger/ protection board, sorry my drawing is bad i dont have a drawing pad
outputs A0-3 are leds, the rest of the load is a temp sensor and an lcd both i2c
Sorry, your drawing makes no sense without pin numbers / labels, try again.
sorry i did that quick before work, ill do a better one on paper for ya
hope this is better if not ill look into doing it better on my pc, both sensors on the load (box on the bottom right) are i2c, part numbers are what i think would work for this application. Which is a temperature/humidity monitor.
Label ALL terminals on ALL devices.
Reason being to avoid any errors.
For example.....at the top right you have marked SCL & SDA = A4 & A5 which, if taken literally are a- about.
Then we have no idea what terminals you connect these to on the 1NA219 and the AHT21 and LCD.
Same for any power and ground connections.
Mark values of resistors.
Mark value and type of whatever "battery charger" is supposed to represent.
You could boost the output of the dc dc converter up to around 7.5v if you feed in to Vin as the regulator needs some overhead to work properly.
this is what the leds are, i found a good online tool here is my diagram just noticed i forgot the gnd connections on the lcd and aht, they are bussed from the ina219 gnd