AppEUI, DevEUI, and AppKey

I realise this will probably be far more advanced than my current level of understanding but this is the direction I need to head towards.

I have a device called a wattsense hub (now bridge). This connects various devices by using the AppEUI, DevEUI, and Appkey which you set up in the device and the hub and then like magic everything works.

I want to replicate this process with the mkr wan 1310 to receive data from devices, and also (separately) act as a device that can connects to the wattsense hub.

So I need to understand better the programming side of how to handle a device joining the network and creating the necessary keys etc in order to do what I need to do.

Any advice that can help me out will be much appreciated. I haven't managed to find any guides about doing this with the arduino but plenty relating to arduino clouds and the things network. I understand my project is a bit more specific but I believe everything is part of the lorawan standard so hopefully all achievable.


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