Cannot Integrate MKR1310 with The Things Network

Hi Folks: I've invested three weeks into my current project and have been stuck for the past five days without any progress; please help!

Project Goal: Utilize several MKRWAN 1310's to send remote weather data to my Arduino cloud account for display on my dashboard.

Hardware: Two (2) MKRWAN 1310, (2) SeedStudio MKR Communication Carrier "hats" to attach sensors, various sensors, SenseCap LoraWan Gateway

Progress So far:

  • Good Communication has been established between the Gateway and my LoRaWAN Server on the Things Network
  • I added two (2) MKRWAN 1310's as devices on the Things Network. I've successfully communicated with the LoRa network using the devices.

What I have configured:

  • I deleted everything from the Things Network, and started fresh with a new account
  • I downloaded and installed the latest Arduino Create
  • I've successfully added the two MKRWAN 1310's to the Arduino project; I configured the network, and sensors, and created a dashboard; latest sketch was uploaded to the MKRWAN devices

Where I am stuck:

  • I only need to close the Things Network and the Arduino Cloud communication loop. As per documentation, from within the Arduino Create program, I select "Add Integration.", The "LoraWan Device Manager by Things Network" is provided as a choice, and I select that choice.
  • Once selected, I am forwarded to the Things Network Arduino Integration login page
  • From the documentation, the integration process is supposed to send my registered email address with login/password credentials for the Integration portal; no email is received (not in the SPAM folder either)
  • I tried logging in using my Arduino AND Things network credentials, but it doesn't recognize either one.

Please!! What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.

After reading my Posts I need to clarify a few things:

The documentation from Arduino says that when the MKRWAN object is created in the IOT cloud, and INTEGRATION is invoked, an account is automatically created on the Things Network and an email with login instructions is emailed:

That works great if connecting to an existing publicly available LoRaWAN Gateway, but I am in a rural area, so I will be using my own LoRaWAN Gateway and TTN account.

I wonder if there is a conflict with the integration process automatically creating a "new" integration account, as I already have a gateway TTN account.

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