Arduino 2.2 missing Tools: Programmer

hi all , maybe I just can't see this in the v2.2

the option to use ISP as a programmer seems to be missing
USBasp etc

where can I find that


It should be in the normal place. Here is what I see under the Tools menu

hi thanks for this.

On my version 2.2.1 (the latest I believe) it's completely missing

It sounds like uninstalling and reinstalling would be a good idea

hi did that but no dice

Sorry, but that is beyond my knowledge

@ptillisch may be able to help

I have moved your topic to the IDE 2.x category of the forum

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Hi @mindburner. Select your board from the Tools > Board menu. After that, you should see a Tools > Programmer menu.

The reason for this behavior is that different boards have different programmers. So Arduino IDE can't know which programmers to offer you until you have selected a board.

ahh that's great. That worked a treat. Just threw me there. It appears after the board is selected. I am a noob with the new layout so that's my bad.

You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now.


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Thanks Per


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