Arduino/ AB PLC 5/04

Good Morning!
I'm doing a project for my course, but I do not have much knowledge about arduino. I work a lot with PLC and then I tried to create a communication network between an SLC 500 CPU 5/04 and an arduino one.
I have a 1761-net-aic signal converter and wanted to know if I can use it to make a communication between plc and arduino through DF1 p

You will need to post links to the datasheets for the various devices you refer to. People here are unlikely to be familiar with them.

And if the datasheets run to dozens of pages please indicate which page numbers are relevant.


The documentation for DF1 protocol and the AIC converter are available online.

Start with Robin2's serial basics. Do a site search for 'serial communication', almost everything's been done before.

I'm doing a project for my course, but I do not have much knowledge about arduino.

If you can make this work you'll have learned a lot.