Having some problems using the hx711 load cell amp.
Following the tutorial linked below:
Strain gauge theory Arduino scale tutorial HX711 and using the load cell linked here:
100 Kg Type S Load Cell - RobotShop (100kg s type load cell)
Part of the tutorial is reading raw data from the load cell which so far im unable to do. i have checked the wiring from load cell to hx711 and hx711 to arduino. the program is uploaded, only a random number appears on serial monitor and doesn't change when pressure is applied applied to load cell. if i can get raw data from the load cell, then I can work on the calibration.
Post a picture of your wiring and your code. Post a sample of the output of the code.
If you did exactly what the tutorials say the project should work. We need to find what you did differently.
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#include <Q2HX711.h> //Download it here:https://electronoobs.com/eng_arduino_hx711.php
const byte hx711_data_pin = 3;
const byte hx711_clock_pin = 2;
Q2HX711 hx711(hx711_data_pin, hx711_clock_pin);
void setup() {
void loop() {
Attached is the wiring images load cell colours match colours on HX711. CLk to pin 2 arduino and dat to pin 3 arduino. VCC to 5v and gnd to gnd. VDD on hx711 left out.
For some reason, i cant attach images
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I don't know that library,
Try this library and this bit of code;
#include "HX711.h"
int HX711DPin = 3;
int HX711SCKPin = 2;
HX711 scale(HX711DPin, HX711SCKPin); // parameter "gain" is ommited; the default value 128 is used by the library
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.print("read raw values: \t\t");
Serial.println(scale.read()); // print a raw reading from the ADC
Tried code and serial monitor is shown in attached image.
read raw value was 1 and then changed to a -83888607 and does not change when pressure is applied to load cell

Did you change the Serial.begin to 9600 baud, it was 115200 in my code.
Remove the load cell and short the white and green pcb pads on the module.
baud rate kept the same
issue fixed by changing the 5v pin to VDD instead of VCC.
Now need to work on calibration
issue fixed by changing the 5v pin to VDD instead of VCC.
Now need to work on calibration
5V pin of what to Vdd instead of Vcc of what?
Thanks.. Tom.... 
On the HX711, a VCC and VDD pin terminal is found. Originally I had the 5V pin on arduino going to VCC. When I changed the arduino 5v pin to VDD on hx711. System started working
Did you get your HX711 from Sparkfun?
From Sparkfun site;

It is the same as the spark fun load cell amp with same pin-outs, compared to the wiring diagram you have shown. I do not have the VCC wired to 5V on Arduino as well as VDD.
Hi all,
After getting the raw data from the load cell, I want to be able to trigger a digital output at a desired load. for instance, if the force reaches 50N, I want a digital output on. Anyone point me in the right direction, that would be great.
Hi all,
After getting the raw data from the load cell, I want to be able to trigger a digital output at a desired load. for instance, if the force reaches 50N, I want a digital output on. Anyone point me in the right direction, that would be great.
Have you now got stable readings from the HX711?
yes getting stable reading now. stable at 0 and stable when mass is applied
yes getting stable reading now. stable at 0 and stable when mass is applied
What did you do to solve that problem?
The code you posted worked when i changed the power to hx711 from VCC to VDD