Arduino And VB.Net 2008

For a little while now I have been trying to Interface Arduino and Microsoft Visual BASIC .NET 2008. However all my attempts Have failed. I was wonder if someone could tell me how to Interface them. I dont understand Firmata so I am using Serial, But in VB.Net it tells me that Access to COM15 (My arduino COM) is Denied. Can anyone help me? I am fairly new to both Arduino and VB.Net so if someone could take it down to Level 1, I would appreciate it.


Access to COM15 (My arduino COM) is Denied. Can anyone help me?

Do you have the Arduino IDE running at the time?

Oh, Yes I did I will try it again Thanks!

It worked. Thanks again. I feel like an Idiot :wink:

Don't. Microsoft's operating systems produce some of the most cryptic error messages I've seen. "Access denied" can mean any one of three very different things.

99% of the time Access Denied means the port is in use.