Arduino Board not showing up on Ports Menu

I have a Arduino UNO R3, I did not use it for some time and when I plugged it in, it did not show up on the Ports list, I checked the device manager and other boards are showing up, not this one.

The old code is still there, and works properly.

  1. Bad cable? Not properly inserted?
  2. Is it the same cable that you use for other boards?
  3. Any reaction in device manager when connecting the board? E.g. yellow triangles?
  4. What is the serial-to-usb converter? Atmel 16U2? CH340? CP210x? FT232xx?

Might be the serial-to-usb converter that is malfunctioning / damaged; see point (4) above.

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  1. Cable looks fine
  2. Same cable for all the boards
  3. No Reaction on Device Manager
  4. I dont know how to find that

It's the chip closest to the USB port. You might have to play with the lighting (tilt board) and need a magnifying glass to read it.

What was/is the project that the board was last used in when you managed to upload in the past?

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Its Atmel
the program is a simple lcd counting program that updates a lcd every second

Bad connections on the board is one possible cause. So inspect it.

Else I think it's malfunctioning or maybe broken. You can see if you can revive it with Atmel Flip. Instructions: