Arduino-Core available for the AI-Thinker BL602?

Hi everybody,

does anybody know if there is planned to add the arduino-Core for the AI-Thinker Ai-WB2-32S-Kit ?

At seeedstudio just $3,50

best regards Stefan

Hi @StefanL38. This 3rd party boards platform supports the Bouffalo Lab BL602:

I think you would add this URL to the list in:
V1.8: Preferences -> Additional Boards Manager URLs:

I don't know where the URL list is in V2.0.

It is at the same place as in Arduino IDE 1.x.

Gah! I didn't notice that V2.0.2 had a scroll bar in the Preferences dialog. Sure enough, when I scroll down I find the URL list. I knew the field was somewhere but I was so used to the V1.8.19 showing everything that I didn't think to scroll.

Sorry about that.

No worries. It seems like maybe the scrollbar discoverability needs to be improved because there have been one or two other reports of this.

The lack of such a scrolling capability in the Arduino IDE 1.x dialog was actually the source of quite a few problems over the years because those with small displays found the bottom of the dialog was off-screen and inaccessible. The Arduino IDE developers made a compromise by determining a minimum display size that would be supported and then arranging the preferences to take up the absolute minimal possible vertical space in order to fit within those dimensions.

I have now submitted a formal report about this:

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