Hello Community,
I have got a few Arduino Nano 33 Iot boards. While trying to setup 'Thing' in create.arduino it's throwing a message that "Arduino Create Agent not found".
Things I have done to debug the issue:
Reinstalled Arduino Create Agent muliple times.
Checked if Arduino IDE can read my board: Answer-YES.
Verified that Arduino Create Agent is working and I tried pausing and resuming to check if that would help. It didn't.
Clicked "Open debug console" in ArduinoCreateAgent and sent command "list". I can see my device Name, Serial ID, Vendor Number, etc. So it is getting recognized.
Can someone help me to find this Secret Agent in Arduino Create?
UPDATE: It's working perfectly in VNC Parallel installed in Mac
I'm meeting the same issue.
I did exactly like you and no solution.
I can see the create agent icon on the top of Mac book. I can access to the menu and nothing more.
During the installation it reach this page and nothing more : Arduino Cloud - Getting started..
then I can't use IoT clouds. I am blocked at the agent installation.