this 1st arduino project.
i learn in google and youtube to starting this project.
so...after complete material my project is began.
the result not satisfied.
all 8 sensor is no problem if hit together, but problem in output the sound.
ex. if sensor "hat and kick" try to HIT together some sound lose. just one can hear only in speaker.
even though if look in serial monitor can hit together,thats can see in the monitor.
just info.
audio bank use sd card modul.
please help me for soft the problem.
i want sound can hear together if sensor to hit. just like a real drum the sound will hear all if hit.
maybe you all can give code 1 sensor 1 output, so 8 sensor 8 output. anything just help.
i want sound can hear together if sensor to hit. just like a real drum
Sorry but you can do that with the setup you have. The proper word for what you want is “polyphonic “ and you can not get that with sounds stored on an SD card.
There is a libiary that will do two samples at the same time but it is limited to two and is not very good. One reason for that is that is that it drops your sample resolution by half.
Look into making the sound from a MIDI sound module, then the polyphony problem is moved out of the Arduino and into the sound generator.
yes, if the sensor is hit alternately all sounds good.
but once hit together with 2 or more sensors then the problem arises because one of the sounds will be lost.
should be one two three four or all beaten should the sound will all hearing together.
certainly this is not like the real drum is not ...,
so what you advise,please give me link or some thing for me to learn.