Arduino DUE for a Granular DSP Application

Hi all,

I'm a complete beginner to Arduino. I have a microcontroller experience from programming DSP boards during my time at university, however, I wanted to try something new.

I was inspired by this Arduino Granular sampler ( and have a lot of my own ideas to add to this concept as Granular synthesis just incredible.

I noticed the user is using either a Nano or a Nano Every plus a MicroSD module - haven't been able to figure it out. My plan is to use a DUE to manipulate samples from a MicroSD in a similar way - taking small grains of a sound which would be up to 500ms in length to play back multiple times in a second with random panning etc. I'd also like to map it using MIDI.

I would like to introduce filters and other effects (which I'm considering using an STM32 for now)

I would also like to have a sample rate of 44.1kHz but I am willing to drop it down to 32kHz if needed.

How feasible would it be to achieve this with Arduino? I've seen a lot of similar posts in the forums about arduino not being recommended for this type of application - however, I assumed that was for more real-time DSP with a signal coming from a guitar and such and not pre-loaded sounds on a MicroSD card.

Any advice on this would be great


I have since been looking into the Teensy due to its compatibility with Arduino

They have a great audio library and audio design tool.