Arduino Duemilanove LCD question

I just ordered the Duemilanove from Arduino | Arduino Microcontroller - Maker Shed and I noticed that it did not come with a LCD screen. I am new to Micro controllers and was wondering if someone can recommend me a LCD that is simple to use with Duemilanove without much tinkering.

Just purchase a 16x2 HD44780 display, most of them should be fine. You can buy them from almost anywhere.
There are a load of tutorials for them too.


There are different kinds of LCDs, requiring different levels of effort to set up, and different numbers of pins.

I have a serial LCD: Serial Enabled 20x4 LCD - Black on Green 5V - LCD-09568 - SparkFun Electronics

It uses just 3 wires (+V, Gnd, and a data line), and can be connected to TX and sent data using Serial.print, or to any other pin (except RX) and sent data using NewSoftSerial::print.

Serial LCDs are more expensive.


Serial LCDs are more expensive.

Well, yeah. But, oh so much easier to use. It's a trade off. Might save having to move to a Mega, if the number of pins required becomes an issue, resulting in lower overall cost.

I suppose so.

I have 2 Serial LCDs (20x4 - one is in a project), and I have a 40x4 non serial LCD. The serial LCDs are definitely useful if you are a bit short of pins (like I was for my project), and when I was starting with the arduino, it was easy to learn, use and get right! Only 3 pins, 1 data pin!


Use a JHD162A LCD produced bt Hitachi. The pinout is easy to identify with the Arduino.

While It does cost a few dollars more, I use a real cool serial (TTL serial or I2C) module which can also support any standard 4x4 matrix keypad to be wired to the serial controller. It is in a sense a small complete serial terminal controller and sure can save a lot of pins and is easy to program in an Arduino just using serial reads and write commands (or use the I2C library if you wish).

It has great documentation:

There is also a user contributed I2C library in the Arduino playground that supports this display, which I haven't tried yet but looks good:


The JHD162A cost under $25.00 dollars at a small electronic store. If check 411 TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS online, it cost aobut $7.95 W/O taxes, shipping and handling. The website is