Arduino IDE 1.8.15 saving new file bug

This is likely local to my computer, but I have no clue what is going on.

Every time I create a new file and save it, the ide crashes. I then can't interact with any of the windows open, can't close, and have to restart my computer. On reopening, I can use the new file that I created normally.

I have no clue what is going on, it's been happening for a long while now but I haven't gotten around to posting yet.

I did a lot of work in vscode with visualTeensy for a streatch of time, and when I moved back I found the bug. It may or may not be related.

I would suggest you use the latest IDE 2.0.

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Any chance that this relates to drobox? I don't know anything about it but maybe it's a synchronisation with the web?

You can try a different directory on your PC and see if the problem goes away.

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