Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc9.1 available for download!

A new release candidate of Arduino IDE 2.0.0 is now available.

If you are using a recent version of the IDE, you will get an auto-update offer simply by starting the IDE.

Otherwise, the release is available for download here:

This release provides some nice advancements and fixes.

Thanks so much to the forum community for all the valuable testing and feedback that has helped us greatly in identifying and investigating these bugs and enhancements!

Improve efficiency of language server features


The code completion, hover, and "go to definition" features of the Arduino IDE are provided by a "language server". The sketch code must be processed during editing so that the language server can have the understanding of the program required to provide this information.

Previously, this processing was fairly heavy on CPU and memory usage. Some significant improvements were made to the efficiency of these features.

If you have had problems with resource consumption of the Arduino IDE when using previous versions, please do give 2.0.0-rc9.1 a try.

Show progress indicator during compilation and upload


A notification was added to indicate the progress of sketch compilation and upload operations.

Correct handling of verbosity preferences


Previously, the verbosity of the output shown during a compilation or upload operation was not correctly configured via the "Show verbose output during compile/upload" preferences.

Fix language selection reversion


Previously, under certain conditions the IDE could revert from the user's custom "Language" preference to the default English setting.

Ensure active theme is shown in preferences on first run


From Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc9, the initial theme is configured to match the operating system theme (arduino/arduino-ide#1160). Previously, the "Preferences" dialog showed the "Light (Arduino)" theme selected even when the dark theme was set.

Fix problems with UI functionality

Fix problems with themes

Full changelog here:

If you have any questions or feedback please post here in the Arduino IDE 2.x's dedicated forum category:

If you want to see the list of known issues, work in progress, submit a formal report, or contribute to development, the IDE 2.x source code is hosted in this public repository:

5 posts were split to a new topic: IDE update or uninstall fails with "Arduino IDE cannot be closed" error

I installed rc9.1 today (automatic update) Now when trying to upload I get ‘1avrude: ser_open(): can’t open device “\.\COM11”: Acess is denied’ Tried different boards/ports/sketches. Examples/basic/blink loads but everything else fails.

This is the first time I’ve received this type of error. Running IDE 1.8.19 works fine with all my projects.

I’m using Windows 11 on a laptop.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


Hi @cousinbrucee. Thanks for giving the Arduino IDE 2.0.0 release candidate a try and for your report.

Please try an upload after making sure the Serial Monitor view in the bottom panel is closed and then tell me whether the upload still fails.

If the Serial Monitor is open, you can close it by clicking the X icon that appears when you hover the mouse pointer over its tab:


There is a known bug in Arduino IDE 2.0.0-rc9.1 that causes uploads to fail when the Serial Monitor is open:

There is already a fix in progress for it, but until that is complete it will be necessary to close Serial Monitor before doing an upload.

It does allow me to upload when the serial monitor is off.

Will be patiently waiting for the next release. I have to admit, I am really liking the new version.
Keep up the good work.

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The fix for the bug that caused uploads to fail when Serial Monitor is open is now available from the latest nightly build of Arduino IDE 2.x.

The download links for the nightly build are listed on the "Software" page here:

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