Arduino IDE cant save sketch via ctrl + s nor via save as

3h of project just lost, because I cant save my sketch. Never had a problem, no updates, saved last time 3h ago, no turn off PC etc. Just plain arduino stop working. Save just doesnt respond. When I want to use asve as, I cannot save, because of that stupid error


My sketches are in own folders, in arduino sketch foldcers in documents, NOT in library folder. Im just frustrated, because ive been working on arduino all day the same way, like everyday, but lost my last 3h of work.

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copy entire text, open Notepad, paste code into "new document" of Notepad, close IDE without save, go to folder SERWER, open sketch in Notepad, mark full text and delete, paste sketch from the "new document", save an close

In meantime went similar route, but copypasted to notepad and deleted entire arduino ide. Full remove, every folder. Clean instalation, but thanks for suggestion. Ill let you know it it helped

Deleted arduino ide in control panel, deleted all temp files, deleted all files with arduino, or ino extensions and names, wiped out everything. Just copy pasted code to notepad before that. Then clean installed.

Nope, still not working.
im pissed off, because ive lost 3h of progress and another 1 hour of looking for a repair. My whole day is ruined because of arduino IDE. Im glad its free, otherwise i would be more pissed off.

Cant Even make new sketch "cant find a file, please check filename and try again". BUT I WANT TO MAKE A NAWET FILE. WTF, whats wrong with that (expletive deleted) program. Im done for today with that.

You need to eat a Snickers


A sketch in its basic form is a directory and an ino file with the name of that directory inside that directory.

Inside that directory you can NOT have another sketch (that is directory with an ino file). And that is what the error is indicating.

I think what you tried


I think that you would not have wasted N hours if you would have clicked OK and picked a valid location, e.g. c:\users\maciej\Documents\Arduino\ and named the sketch SERVER1.

My simple setup for versioning is like below


Note that the directory myProject does not have an ino file and hence is not a sketch.

Noticed that, but my whole folder looked that:
___ (spaces)
Everything had own folder in documents/arduino folder.

Now i erased everything for second time, even with auslogics-registry-cleaner and still cant save new sketch in documents/arduino/new folder. Just cant.

I think that you would not have wasted N hours

but i worked on that file for whole day, saved every few minutes from 8 to 13 and after 13:30 my saves were not registered. I changed nothing, did nothing more than usual. Now I cant even make new sketch to save on my PC. Is so (expletive deleted) now that I cant even know how to solve that. Do I have to reinstal windows? LOL NO.

Opened brand new Arduino, even libraries are deleted. Plain new program. File -> save -> (sketch name sketch_may1a) and hit enter to save

File cannot be found.
Check the file name and try again.

Nice. What a lovely error. On brand new arduino IDE with even registry deleted. On my laptop (just installed, never before installed) had EXACLY SAME PROBLEM with saving my SERWER sketch, but could make a new sketch and saved on another one, but I want it on my main PC, because always worked on my PC.

Is that a typo or do the folder and ino files have different names on your system?

Sorry, typo. Programming half in polish half in english, bad habit + im frustrated today. Wanted to make some amendments in my code, its almost done, but now I have to fight with IDE itself. Its so unnatural and unnecessary. it even happened when I was programming.

Are you on a system where you have admin privileges? What is your OS and system details? Have you tried downloading another copy of the installer and verified the checksum?

Cannot answer why you have such a problem but can you save to a USB stick? For no other reason than to save your work.

Yes, its my own PC with my own Windows 10 pro. Not yet, because:

IT WORKED! Not as you suggested, but ive made an Arduino folder on my D drive (C on nvme, D on SATA) and everything works. So its something (expletive deleted) with my documents folder, or IDK. But It finally works! I hope it wont change. Still its so idiotic, that I had to change folder (maybe even whole drive) because.... of nothing. Just of pure IDE whim. Seriously it just happened.

EDIT: it even works one folder earlier: c:\Users\Maciej\Arduino, not c:\Users\Maciej\Arduino\Documents. So it's something with Documents folder (works on D and E - 2 separate SSDs)

i never spoke about deinstallation.

Wanted to have fresh install. But even this didnt work. nevermind.

pls don't try reinstall operating system. it is only your misbehavior lead your in this misunderstanding. sometime i made misclick and selected some folder instead of just click "OK", and if i then press OK, it will be not save but open clicked folder. i must close "Save file" window, open again and just press OK button.
if you open "Save as" window you must rename your sketch(or go to other place and save same name, like for example USB stick) and save direct to where other folder is, in your case in Documents no need to create SAWER folder, just select Docs>press open>press OK.

Operating system? Just talked about arduino. Fresh installed arduino.

And no, its not by my brhaviour, because i showed you that Ive got SAME folder saves like you. Everything was very stricte saved. I prever have everything in line, organised. Its ide, not my fault.

Please, read once again my posts, i CANT Save even new sketch in my docs folder. Even if arduino folder is EMPTY. But one folder above, everything is all good

i have no problem with IDE. just like other 14 000 000 people who installed this IDE after release.