I'm looking at Arduino_LED_Matrix, and I'm looking for a way to write each LED individually.
I naively thought that I could progressively turn the whole matrix on with this:
while (i <= 95) {
But no. All on() does is turn all off the LED except for the one in parameter.
Is it how it's supposed to work? EDIT: the LED matrix is the built-in one of the Uno R4 Wifi board.
#include <Arduino_LED_Matrix.h>
ArduinoLEDMatrix matrix;
int i = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
while (i <= 95) {
I even tried with '''
matrix.begin();''' in the set-up, but it was worse: the LEDs only flashed shortly onced, instead of being on for the whole 100 ms.
I sympathize, however this is basically flailing around and hoping you'll hit an answer. With fairly high level API like this, it's essential to use the API functions with the right data and in the right way; unfortunately it looks like Arduino has not made that possible without a lot of sleuthing.
This is not a television show, it is a forum, and a flippant answer like that is very disrespectful, especially when I have pointed you to the code that solves all your questions on this topic.
How is editing the original message a problem? If the issue is that it may seem irrelevant you ask for an information I later added, I specified in #6 that I made this edit after you pointed out some info (the board model) was missing.
The link given is a discussion between people who developed the thing. It is not a readable answer for users discovering this board and this library, the latter not having any proper documentation yet.
Did you even take the trouble to read it properly? From that comment it looks like you didn't.
It tells you why the LED blinks on for a very short time. That is due to using the matrix.begin();. It also gives you code that will turn on one LED fully and with it the reset turn off.
But if you can't understand the information in that thread and how it exactly answers your question then ask specifically about what you don't understand.
However, given your arrogant attitude then I am not sure if I want to help you any more.
Listen, the whole drama comes from the claim that editing a post is bad for reasons unknown.
I have not yet found a reason why in "How to get the best out of this forum"
Also I just received this:
This badge is granted the first time you edit one of your posts. While you won’t be able to edit your posts forever, editing is encouraged — you can improve the formatting, fix small mistakes, or add anything you missed when you originally posted. Edit to make your posts even better!
So now is it good or bad?
Finally, Arduino is supposed to be rather accessible. The Arduino_LED_Matrix is obviously still a work in progress. By lack of time, I guess. But in this case, don't blame users for being lost (and a bit frustrated).
And you know what? I made a silly comment because I thought "NEVER add information to the first post it spoils the narrative of the thread." looked like a joke itself. Otherwise I added the info that were indeed missing (hardware, whole code).