Hello everbody,
I am tring to get a Leonardo to work. I am Using the IDE 1.8.16 on Win 10.
First I did was setting the IDE to the Arduino Leonardo Board (not the ETH version) and upload the Blink sketch, which work so far. So I guessed that everything is working well.
But since then i can not upload any sketch.
1:So I tried the rest button, at different times and holding, but with any succes.
2: Next I tried burning the Bootloader, so i configured an Chinese Nano board. What make me wonder, was that that only works, if i reset the Leonardo at the beginning, other wise the connection will not be suceccfully established.
After the IDE responsed with a success and observing the blinking RX Led on both board, I hope I was done.
But I can not find the Leonardo in the device manager nor can I upload a sketch to it (Pluging the arduino direcly to the PC and detachted all other wires ofcourse). Since I haven't checkt it the first time pulging the borad to the PC, I am confused. having no Board attached, I still have a Com1 port (2 Display, 1 USB mouse and keyboard how can there be a Com1). The Com1 port was also the one i used in the first place. The Leonardo start blinking again after the bootloader was burned.
So I tried uninstalling the Com1 port, which automatecly reinstall it self, no difference if the Leonardo is attached or not. I purge the IDE and reinstalled it, I tried using the Legacy harddrive mode to install the correct driver for the leonardo board (all 4 versions) resulting in a not accesable com port.
So can the sketch itself be a problem, if yes can i clear it with my nano board? Are there anythings I have missed?
This is one guied I tried
Thanks for any help
Working to solve this for some days now.