Arduino Mega Shield Stacking


I am part of a project group that is trying to use PID control on a motor based on the current angle of an Arduino Mega. This is being attempted with a Dynamixel motor shield and an Arduino 9 axis motion shield, specifically those linked below:

Dynamixel motor shield:

9 axis motion shield:

We are trying to simultaneously run both shields by plugging the motor shield into the Arduino Mega, then stacking the motion shield on top of that. However, we are having issues getting both shields working together. We know we have to rewire the pins of the 9 Axis Motion Shield that are also used by the Motor Shield so that they are connected to the Mega separately. But we are unable to find good documentation on which pins of the 9 Axis shield are being used (aka which ones we have to reroute). Additionally, we are not super familiar with the code, and are trying to find examples of how to set the pins in a setup like this. Is there any guidance out there for how we could acheive this?

Thank you!

The schematic for the motion shield is available in the documentation section of the link you posted.


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