Arduino nano every

I am making a project game and I have made the code for it. However I found out that the sram on the arduino nano is not enough so I was thinking of getting am arduino nano every. However after compiling i get a warning that the library is meant for avr boards and it might not work with other things. Is this true will it not work or should I ignore it?

Without knowing which library you are referring to, you will most likely get very few, if any, helpful responses.

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@ioakeimsogiakas Hello, which libraries had you installed and did you try to upload a simple sketch to the nano, before uploading a big file like your code.

The Nano Every has a megaavr processor, the compiler considers that to be different from an avr processor.


@david_2018 you´re right, I read it wrong and didn´t saw at first instance the every in [quote="ioakeimsogiakas, post:1, topic:1161571"]
getting am arduino man every.

and so looked at following:

Boards using the AVR core

  • Arduino UNO R3
  • Arduino Mega2560
  • Arduino Nano (classic)
  • Arduino Micro
  • Arduino Leonardo
  • UNO Mini LE

I´m using ESP32, ESP8266, UNO and Nano. Thank you for the mention.

Sorry for the late reply I am using this library GitHub - johnrickman/LiquidCrystal_I2C: LiquidCrystal Arduino library for the DFRobot I2C LCD displays and yes with example code I get the same warning

Yes I found out as well that's why I am concerned. At first I thought it was a regular avr board but that warning raised some bells

That library is fairly old, likely prior to the existence of the Nano Every. It may or may not work properly, the warning generally comes from the file not indicating it is compatible with megaavr architecture, which at the time it was written was not even an option.

OK understandable are there any other options for lcd. I am using a standard 16x4 display with I2C communication

Why not to test existed library first? What you get at compile time is just a warnings, it doesn't mean that the library is incompatible with your hardware.
Perhaps the library will works fine or will needs a small editions to work...

True but I haven't yet purchased the arduino nano every. I am not sure it will work. My issue is sram so I am between the arduino mega and the arduino nano every. The mega works with the code I have no errors but the every gives me errors so that's what is stopping me. If I had the every I would be looking for workarounds right now :joy:

If you know any arduino nano sized board with more ram that is using an avr chip I would be very interested to try

There is no "avr chip with more memory" except the mega1280 and 2560, so there are no such arduino boards.

Of course I mean the chips, that compatible with standard arduino AVR core.

Hmm OK thanks for the help. I think I can close this thread now (if that is how it works)

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