Arduino Nano not detected, despite having tried everything

I've seen many other of these posts here, yet I've tried everything (such as installing the FTDI drivers, adding a com port in device manager) and nothing happens. When I plug the nano into my PC, I'm not even getting that "device plugged in" sound that you get. The IDE only shows COM1 (which is the normal com port), I tried "add legacy hardware" on device manager and added a port called COM3, but it has the yellow triangle exclamation mark and I'm not sure what to do next. Any help would be appreciated!

When you plug your Nano into your PC, do you see any change in device manager? Sometimes you can get devices in a section called Other Devices and it's identified as Unknown Device?

As you say that you don't even get the device plugged in sound, I would suggest a different USB cable just in case the one you are using is a "power only" cable.

There's no "Other Devices" section for me in device manager :frowning:
I've bought two cables (from amazon) and so far had the same problem with both, do you think I should buy the cable directly from arduino?

That's ok. From memory that usually means that your PC hasn't found any devices it does not recognise.

Did you buy the 2 cables from the same supplier? It's possible that you have some "power only" cables rather than fully wired USB cables.

Is there any indication that your Nano is getting power? There's usually an LED that lights when the board is plugged into a PC.

Which error is associated in Windows device manager?
What is the TTL-to-USB converter on your Nano? You assumed that that is a FTDI but clones of the Classic Nano usually use a CH340; check the bottom of your board.

Is this a Classic Nano or one of the newer models (Nano Every, Nano33 ..., ...)?

If there is no real COM3 hardware, then I can see why you might get the exclamation triangle. I would remove/delete/undo what you did to add COM3 as I think it may be a rabbit hole that's been created that is unrelated to the actual issue(s).

We need to be sure what board you actually have. Can you post clear photos of the top and bottom of it?

I bought two different cables from different suppliers. I think the first one I bought was power only, so I then looked for a generic data transfer usb mini b cable, and bought it from “ugreen”
After checking, no one in the reviews has used it for an arduino, so maybe it won’t work. I thought that any data transfer cable should be fine

The green power light on the nano is on when it is plugged in

I’ll send some photos as soon as I can, thanks :slight_smile:

I also just noticed that this pin is slightly bent, it’s the digital 13 pin (so I don’t think that’ll have any effect on the current problem - sorry for any ignorance, this is my first time using arduinos!)

The error on device manager says “Windows cannot determine the settings for this device. Consult the documentation that came with this device and use the Resource tab to set the configuration (Code 34)

I’m fairly certain this is the nano classic, the bottom chip says “FDTI 2112-C G60420C1 FT232RL”

I bought this straight from the arduino store, so it (hopefully) isn’t a knock off either lol

right-click → find update drivers ?

I’m fairly certain this is the nano classic, the bottom chip says “FDTI 2112-C G60420C1 FT232RL”
Looks 'legit' to me.

Hi yep, I’ve tried updating drivers, it says “the best drivers for your device are already installed”. I think Mark’s right, I should just delete COM3 since I added that despite the arduino not even being detected by the PC

My thoughts are leaning towards a cable issue. Try other cables if you have them. If not, do you have another USB device - camera, phone etc - that you can try the cable with.

I did have a gut feeling that it would be this too.
The current cable I am using is this one, I thought it would work since it is a data transfer cable

Unfortunately I dont have another cable of this type, however looking on amazon I found this - one of the reviews said they used it for an arduino and it worked.

Do you think it's a good idea to go for this cable and see if anything changes?

Like markd833 said - Is there something else you have with a miniB jack that your cable is OK with?

Make sure this isn’t un-etched copper:

Check the rest of the board carefully.

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