Arduino nano + nrf24l01 connection

Hi there, I need some help.
I followed the tutorial for one way transmission: Simple nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz transceiver demo - #2 by Robin2

And I can't connect my 2 nanos properly. What I got looks like that:

I am new to arduino programming and it is so frustrating to fail at everything I try :frowning: Please, could anyone help?

Post a schematic showing how the radio modules are connected to the Nanos.

How is the 3.3V supplied to the radio modules?

Post clear photos showing the wiring?

What were the results when you ran the checkConnection sketch (see reply #30 in the tutorial)?


This is how it is connected:

And this is the result of checkConnection sketch:

Hi. The 3.3V regulator on a Nano will not supply the required current for the RF24 module. Use a 2 AA cell (3V) battery pack or a 3.3V supply with enough current capability.

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The connection test output looks OK.

I use homemade versions of adapters like this on all of my radios to supply 3.3V power with great success.

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Thank you a lot! I will buy those adapters and I will let you know whether it fixed the issue or not.

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