Arduino NANO Project

I'm doing a final project , and nothing arduino.

So, please help me.

Project- I want to made one programmable digital time use of arduino nano.

Please tell us what is your experience.
Explain, in detail, what you what to happen.

from example:
I want to make a digital timer.
I want to turn on a led when I push a button switch.
The time from a button push to the time the led comes on is 10 seconds.
. . . .


I want to made 24 hours timer with arduino NANO

  1. I want to set ON time
  2. I want to set OFF time
  3. ON indication, when set time ON
  4. OFF indication, when set time OFF
  5. Auto manual mode

What is your experience?

  1. I want to set ON time

  2. I want to set OFF time
    How do you want to set these?

  3. ON indication, when set time ON

  4. OFF indication, when set time OFF
    Displayed on what?

  5. Auto manual mode
    More information please.

What is going to happen when things time out?

For time setting, we can use micro switch.
Switch 1 (S1) : Reset (to initiate the timer set option)
Switch 2 (S2) : Select (to select the segment where value is to be changed)
Switch 3 (S3) : Increment (to increase the value at selected segment)
Switch 4 (S4) : Start (to start the timer with the set time)

Like this!!!


16*2 lcd display and also timer "ON" and "OFF" LED indications.

Auto manual mode

If, i set ON time 9:00 am and set OFF time 5:PM, but i want to ON timer 6:00PM. so, in this case there is one push button switch required, when i press that switch timer will ON and again press this switch timer will go in auto mode.

What is your experience?

micro switch
Like this?

What does this mean?
selected segment

Who is WE?
we can use micro switch.

What LCD do you have?


Like this



Like this



What is your experience?
Who is WE?



Sorry, no we I

I can using

WHAT is your background?

I know electronics little, electronics is my hobby

1. Have you written any Arduino sketches?

2. What is going to happen when things time out?
3. Do you have a Real Time clock (RTC)?
4. Do you have a protoboard?


@patelhiren, my signature says:-

Please do not PM me for help. I am not a personal consultant.
And others will benefit as well if you post your question publicly on the forums.

Damned rude.
Please respect my wishes and do not PM me again.

He is trying the same with me. I would not call it rude, just ignorant and annoying...

I guess if you ask too many questions with no answers coming, you get thrown under the bus.

Or maybe it's ADHD.

I would not call it rude,

Considering what my signature says, I would.


I know electronics little, electronics is my hobby

You have been asked a number of questions but have not answered then.

We will not do your project for you. We will assist you. We can only assist if you give us the information asked for. The information needs to be detailed.

For your project, you need a real time clock. This is a board that will keep the time so you can read what the time is. If the time is as required by the alarm, you then do what you want to do.

Have you written a basic program to write to the LCD so you know how it works?
Have you written a basic program to read the switches?

Do you have a proto board to assemble the parts on?
Do you know how to assemble the parts?

Have you designed the flow of your program?
IE, written out in plain English what you want to happen and when. Use programming structures without worrying about exact syntax.

Do you know how to program?
