Arduino Project- Hue Lights


I am working on a project with Philips lights, and I am trying to run this script

It asks to
" #replace this with your serial device.

ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbmodemfd141', 9600)"

where can I find the "serial device" / "serial.Serial" ?

That's a Python program. You might get better help on a Python forum.

"dev/tty" is a Linux thing. You might get better help on a Linux forum.

You could find it in the Arduino IDE's Tools > Port menu. Just replace the /dev/tty.usbmodemfd141 with whatever it shows on that menu for your Arduino board, but if there's a board name in quotes, leave that off. For example, if you see in your Tools > Port menu: COM2 (Arduino/Genuino Uno), then you should do this:

ser = serial.Serial('COM2', 9600)"