Arduino R3 and micropython

Hi, I just bought a starter kit and I learned python i university and I was trying to use micropython with my arduino uno r3. But I was not able to use arduino Lab for micropython with my arduino uno R3 and I needed guidance to implemented micropython with my board. Remember, I'm a beginer (and also french so sorry for my mispelling).

There are only 4 Arduino boards that are Micro python compatible according to the following link

and the Uno is not one of them. Also Arduino Lab is still in development and in my opinion you would be better off using Thonny as your Micro python IDE
The Arduino IDE allows for programming of the ESP32 in c/c++ and also in Thonny using micro python so the ESP32 is a pretty good option if you want to try both languages at some point in time.

Welcome to the forum @arthur-olivier

Thanks sumguy!

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