Arduino + SmartGlass/SmartFilm Pixels

I am doing a design project for a class in which i plan to have a large transparent acrylic screen overlaid with Pixels of SmartFilm( Film which has varying states of opacity based on the voltage supplied) and i want each pixel/ row of pixels to change their transparency based on a given input either through Arduino or FireFly(Plugin to grasshopper).

So for a small prototype, i (not having any background in electronics) had some questions

1] As i want the Pixelized screen to have minimum visual interference of the wires connecting them, how can i determine the minimum size(gauge) of the wire i can use for each pixel ?

  1. The pixels at the periphery of the frame can be wired ( along with the copper electrodes inside the frame ). Any suggestions regarding how to tackle the pixels in the center with minimum interference ?

  2. How can i set up the circuit ? I know i will need additional components like Relays, transformers (as the smart film operates on 110V) etc ? How do i go about choosing them ?

  3. How many Pixels would i be able to control with one Arduino board ?

  4. Any suggestions regarding wiring the smart film ?

P.S - (Attaching a Diagram Below)

Thanking You


Given that

(not having any background in electronics

This is a very very difficult project and I would suggest it is beyond your capabilities.

The circuit as drawn will change the whole coloum of pixels at the same time which is not what you want.
You should have included a link to this smart film, it is not a well known component.
It takes very little current so the wire can be as thin as you can get.
A relay would seem a poor choice because you will not be able to switch it very quickly. However you might get away with a multiplexed relay array but it will be noisy.
Are you going to multiplex the pixels?

My advice would be to get a simpler project.