Is it possible to control Arduino via mobile through text or call? no bluetooth and wifi if possible?
How can i do this? any idea?
Is it possible to control Arduino via mobile through text or call? no bluetooth and wifi if possible?
How can i do this? any idea?
Can you use a GSM shield?
Is it possible to control Arduino via mobile through text or call? no bluetooth and wifi if possible?How can i do this? any idea?
Yes, it's quite simple with a GSM shield.
See Arduino Tutorials | - chapters 26, 27 and 33.
Nice, GSM shield is working with the use of the GPRS, i can plug my sim card also, hence I can receive SMS as a trigger for my prototype. Well tnx for the idea guys,...
My next problem is the programming of the Arduino with GSM shield...tnx
this is what you want,148853.0.html
yeah I am posting my own stuff - so what
Hey guys well i think that's brilliant opportunity for user to use GSM on Arduino. Thanks for sharing that information.Thanks!!
Moderator edit: Off-topic link removed. AWOL.