This issue is one I have tried to solve for months. I don't have the time to re-type it here; I have posted elsewhere about it. If someone could help me with this issue; I would be overjoyed! The forums here and here have all the info. Thanks for your support!
Can someone help me with this? I really am stumped!
Well, you had 18 replys in the other forums. What worked and what didn't?
Thank you! You are my savior!
The goal:
get a microcontroller (either the BASIC Stamp II or Arduino) to control a roomba.
Where I am at:
I originally wanted to try to get the arduino to do so. That did NOT work out; the serial communication is too hard to deal with. So I have decided to use the BASIC Stamp II, which I have tested with the roomba successfully (unlike the arduino; the arduino can control it but cannot get sensor data from it when requested). I have now decided that I will use the BS2 to communicate with the roomba, and have the arduino work along side to do all the 'thinking' (it has more variable space, it's faster, etc.).
Well, you had 18 replys in the other forums.
Ok, don't pay attention to those forums now; I was told in the parallax forums that they 'don't deal with the arduino'. And in the robotreviews forum, I was trying to get the arduino to communicate directly with a roomba. Since I already KNOW that the BS2 can communicate to the roomba without any trouble, I am going to use a master-slave approach so that I can still have the arduino in the equation.
That's understandable (they 'don't deal with the arduino'), so I posted in the AVR Freaks forum HERE about it. I have now simple switched to trying to get the BASIC Stamp IIe to communicate to the Arduino; that is my goal. As you can see in that forum, I now have the TIMING figured out; now I just need to solve the problem of why the serial data is not being sent correctly...
OK two things I see right off. The baud value for 9600 on the stamp isn't 9600. Go to the help file in the editor and read what you need for 9600 and try it both regular and inverted. there are values for this in the help file.