Hello all,
Im very new to programming Arduino boards, but I
ve done it a few times with great success thanks to the fantastic portfolio of help and guides online, for that I thank you all!
So Im having a weird issue that I
m not sure how to fix, I`ve been trying different solutions and nothing seems to work, maybe someone with more experience can help me with this.
This is my following schematic for controlling 2 individual Addressable LED Strips using WS2812B, 5VDC:
It`s pretty simple, LED Strip 1 keeps changing colors from White, Purple, and Blue, and if B2 is pushed, the A4 signal is High so Strip 1 stops changing colors and Strip 2 becomes RED, similarly if B1 is pushed, the A5 is now High so Strip 1 stops changing colors and Strip 2 becomes Green, fairly simple and works properly.
Here`s the program if someone needs to double-check:
#include <FastLED.h>
#define NUM_LEDS_1 44 //Number of LEDS in series
#define NUM_LEDS_2 56 //Number of LEDS in series
#define DATA_PIN_1 2 //Main 44 LED STRIP
#define DATA_PIN_2 8 //LEDs 56x3 strips
#define COLOR_ORDER GRB //Just the color order so the numbers are in sequence Red, Green and Blue for the CHIPSET
#define CHIPSET WS2812B //CHIPSET of the LED STRIP
#define BRIGHTNESS 100 //Value can go from 1 to 255
#define VOLTS 5 //Strip is 5Volts only
#define MAX_AMPS 2200 //The PSU is limited by 2.2A
CRGB leds_1[NUM_LEDS_1]; //
CRGB leds_2[NUM_LEDS_2]; //
void setup() {
// Code setup:
delay (3000); //Small delay
pinMode(A4, INPUT_PULLUP); //This is a pullup input identification
pinMode(A5, INPUT_PULLUP); //This is a pullup input identification
FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, DATA_PIN_1, COLOR_ORDER>(leds_1, NUM_LEDS_1); //Just fastled needed informatives for LEDS_1
FastLED.addLeds<CHIPSET, DATA_PIN_2, COLOR_ORDER>(leds_2, NUM_LEDS_2); //Just fastled needed informatives for LEDS_2
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps (VOLTS, MAX_AMPS); //This is Max Volts and Amps call, limited by previously defined statements up top, AMPs before Brightness.
FastLED.setBrightness(BRIGHTNESS); //Brightness adjustment, limited by previously defined statement up top.
FastLED.clear(); //We clear any previous color of the strip, needed so the program starts from scratch
FastLED.show(); //We show the new colors on the strip, needed so the program starts from scratch
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i<= NUM_LEDS_2; i++){
leds_2[i] = CRGB (0,255,0);
for (int i = -2; i <= NUM_LEDS_1
; i++) {
leds_1[i] = CRGB (255, 255, 255);
for (int i = -2; i <= NUM_LEDS_1; i++) {
leds_1[i] = CRGB (155, 0, 255);
for (int i = -2; i <= NUM_LEDS_1; i++) {
leds_1[i] = CRGB (0, 0, 255);
for (int i = NUM_LEDS_2; i>= 0; i--){
leds_2[i] = CRGB (255,0,0);
The issue that I`m having is related to a signal from LED Strip 1 also activating the first LED on LED Strip 2, so when LED Strip 1 is changing colors from White, Purple, and Blue, the LED Strip 2 first LED (just the very first one) also changes colors from White, Purple, and Blue.
I`ve tried changing the resistor size for LED Strip 2 but no luck, how can I prevent the first LED on Strip 2 to change colors like LED Strip 1?