Hi all, I'm trying to use a new Arduino Uno R3 board. When I connect the board to my computer (Windows 7) the ON light turns on and the L light turns on and blinks steadily as if it is running a script ( like the blink test script). However, my computer does not seem to be detecting the board at all. When I go into device manager there are no new devices, nor any unknown devices or devices with errors.
I've haven't had any issues with other boards, either before or after this particular problem. I've tried using the board on another computer (also windows 7) and had the same problem. I've also tried using a different cable, reinstalling the IDE (I've been using the most recent one), turning the computer off and on all with no success.
I have a feeling I've simply got a defective board but am hoping there is something I can do to fix the board I have. Has anyone had this same problem, or any suggestions as to what I could do other than getting a new board?
While the Uno is connected to the computer with the USB cable, put the ATmega16U2 USB-to-serial chip into DFU mode by resetting it. Reset it by carefully and briefly shorting the leftmost 2 pins on the ICSP header next to the USB port. See if you get a device show up in device manager then.
While the Uno is connected to the computer with the USB cable, put the ATmega16U2 USB-to-serial chip into DFU mode by resetting it. Reset it by carefully and briefly shorting the leftmost 2 pins on the ICSP header next to the USB port. See if you get a device show up in device manager then.
I tried what you suggested but the board didn't show up. It didn't seem to respond at all, the L LED continued to repeatedly blink with out a pause. Thanks for the suggestion though
If the ATmega16U2 had successfully gone into DFU mode, then it would be likely the USB-to-serial program was simply not loaded on the board. As it is, with no device showing up at all on 2 computers, having tried different cables, I believe it is likely the board has a hardware defect and recommend contacting the seller.
Yeh ok sure. Thanks for your help dmjlambertt