Hi, my Arduino Uno board is not being recognized by my Windows 10. I already tried on my laptop that also runs windows 10 and it also presents the same problem. Is there a way to find what is broken/missing? Thanks.
Try the Loopback test in the Installation forum, may just be a driver issue.
Hi, my Arduino Uno board is not being recognized by my Windows 10. I already tried on my laptop that also runs windows 10 and it also presents the same problem. Is there a way to find what is broken/missing? Thanks.
Do you have a non Windows-10 laptop you can try it on ? More than likely there is nothing wrong with your UNO and the problem is Windows 10, which is why I haven't upgraded (and probably never will)
Windows10 (and of course my prime desktop utility: OSX) is working here with:
Uno (original), Leonardo (original & clone), Mega (original), Nano (clone), ATtiny85 (original), Teensy (original), ESP8266 (clone), Mini (original) and Mini Pro (clone).
Thus I join @CrossRoads and suspect a driver issue.
Some extra info is needed.
- was it working before?
- Does Windows make the USB sound?
- Does something pop up in device manager?
Yeah - 99% of my development is done on Win10 systems. I can rant for hours about what I hate about Win10, and all the things that have problems with it - but compatibility with microcontroller development boards has not been an issue.
Hi, thanks for the attention.
Some extra info is needed.
- was it working before?
- Does Windows make the USB sound?
- Does something pop up in device manager?
-Yes, it was working before
-No, Windows does no sound when i plug in the arduino
-Yes and no. I have an unknown device showing up at the device manager, and i checked if there was another device i have here with me that may cause that, but i only got monitor, mouse and keyboard plugged.
But, doesnt matter whether i plugin in or out my arduino, it still shows that there is an unknown device, and a COM(6).
I should also mention that i have a reprap 3d printer(Arduino Mega 2560) plugged(which i tried to disconnect to see if there was an incompatilibility, but it stays the same).
Try the Loopback test in the Installation forum, may just be a driver issue.
Could it be a driver issue since it doesnt even does the plug in sound?
Do you have a non Windows-10 laptop you can try it on ? More than likely there is nothing wrong with your UNO and the problem is Windows 10, which is why I haven't upgraded (and probably never will)
I wish it was, but my Arduino Mega(3d printer) works just fine!
Thanks in advance guys!
You say you've tested on two systems - are they both giving you the extra COM port, and the unknown device, whether or not the Arduino is plugged in, or does only one present those devices?
If nothing, not even unknown device, shows up, that's a bad sign for the state of the 16u2 on the board. You're not plugging it into a USB 3.0 port by any chance are you? On plenty of systems, USB 3.0 ports don't work and USB 2.0 ports do, despite the USB consortium swearing up and down that 3.0 is totally backwards compatible.
What did you do with the board between now and the last time it worked?
About the unknown device, is it only there when the Uno is plugged in?
-Yes, it was working before
And you didn't think this was important? Big question, what was the last thing you did with it?
You say you've tested on two systems - are they both giving you the extra COM port, and the unknown device, whether or not the Arduino is plugged in, or does only one present those devices?If nothing, not even unknown device, shows up, that's a bad sign for the state of the 16u2 on the board. You're not plugging it into a USB 3.0 port by any chance are you? On plenty of systems, USB 3.0 ports don't work and USB 2.0 ports do, despite the USB consortium swearing up and down that 3.0 is totally backwards compatible.
What did you do with the board between now and the last time it worked?
only one present those devices, the laptop doesn't do anything, only the desktop does.
And i've tried with all the usb ports available on both devices.
About the unknown device, is it only there when the Uno is plugged in?
And you didn't think this was important? Big question, what was the last thing you did with it?
I put the board aside a few months ago, and connected a few things like a stepper motor and a h bridge l298n.
I'm starting to think that its broken
Yeah - if you get nothing (or the "usb device has malfunctioned" one) when plugging it in, that's a bad sign indeed. The 16u2 on the official Uno and Mega will fail if you plug it into USB, stare at the 5v rail and think about applying an external voltage to it (the 5v rail) - it seems much easier to trash than the CH340G that the cheap chinese clones use (the CH340G is like a tenth the price in quantity vs the 16u2, too). I have theories on why, but they're unsubstantiated.
Oh thanks for the tip!
I just realized, when i press and hold the reset button on the board, sometimes it weakens and sometimes it gets still, depending on the position i hold the arduino board. Maybe the usb port is bad?
sometimes it weakens and sometimes it gets still
You get what???
But the reset button has absolutely nothing to do with the USB past. Does the USB connector feels lose? The big USB B on a Uno is pretty sturdy.
Sorry, i meant that the reset button LED is unstable when i hold it, depending on which position i hold the board.
And the usb connector on the board is sturdy, but the usb cable is a little loose, not in a back and forth way, but in a right and left way. I tried other cables, but nothing works.
There is no such thing as a reset button led on the Arduino. If you mean the LED labeled L, that's just connected to pin 13 via a comparator. It's high impedance so without setting the pinMode of the Arduino pin everything can change it including you touching a trace (nearby).
The question still unanswered:
About the unknown device, is it only there when the Uno is plugged in?
Oh, sorry. No, it is there even where its not plugged in.
But now, i got another laptop, which uses win7 and recognizes it. But its funny because its not doing the 'device connected sound', although everytime i connect it the windows tries to download the driver and fails, as it 'supposed to be'. And now i'm trying to update the driver, manually by device manager and it still says that it cant be done. Also, there is no Port(COMx) showing at the device manager in Win 7.
What a nightmare.
I did it! At least it works on Win7. Maybe later i'll try on Win10, but i need to finish this first.
Thanks guys, afterall the problem was the Windows version, nothing related to the arduino board.
Edit: I was wrong, i think that i solved by creating some friction at the usb connector. I might be wrong, but i think thats what 'fixed' it, since the arduino board sat unprotected at my desk for more than a week. Anyway, i tried back on my windows 10 and it worked just fine.
I talked to my brother who is into robotic and he told me that probably the problem was driver related, and that the friction didn't help much.
Note: i had to reboot windows lots of times in order to recognize it properly.
So - if it was driver related, how did Windows10 repair itself without having you pointing it to the right driver?
That's why I like my Apple - never have had those troubles as on my parallel existing Windows system (which I have to keep due to a handful of proprietary software, which is only running on Windows). I don't want to go in deeper details as I am anxious to kick start an avalanche of evangelistic and philosophical discussions...
Haha thanks. I really dont know, but it worked!
I've never been a fan of apple, but i must admit that it has its perks...
Thanks again man!