I need help kind Sirs! I am a beginner and I have not much knowledge of these programming codes and languages.
But I need the most is can someone please help me put a buzzer code on these program for my finals project.
I need a buzzer code for this project and I've tried many codes but it won't work. When a face is detected it should alarm or buzz. Using a simple buzzer for about 15 ~ 20 seconds or more.
This project is from SparkFun Face Tracking Robot. These codes are not mine its from a developer of SparkFun.
I've tweaked the code a bit and this is working with Arduino Uno + Processing + OpenCV, 2 Servos and a camera.
I don't own any of these codes but please can anyone help me put codes on the Arduino and Processing for buzzer alarm if a face is detected.
Any help would be appreciated and I will do my best to understand.
Processing Code:
import hypermedia.video.*; //Include the video library to capture images from the webcam
import java.awt.Rectangle; //A rectangle class which keeps track of the face coordinates.
import processing.serial.*; //The serial library is needed to communicate with the Arduino.
OpenCV opencv; //Create an instance of the OpenCV library.
//Screen Size Parameters
int width = 320;
int height = 240;
// contrast/brightness values
int contrast_value = 0;
int brightness_value = 0;
Serial port; // The serial port
//Variables for keeping track of the current servo positions.
char servoTiltPosition = 90;
char servoPanPosition = 90;
//The pan/tilt servo ids for the Arduino serial command interface.
char tiltChannel = 0;
char panChannel = 1;
//These variables hold the x and y location for the middle of the detected face.
int midFaceY=0;
int midFaceX=0;
//The variables correspond to the middle of the screen, and will be compared to the midFace values
int midScreenY = (height/2);
int midScreenX = (width/2);
int midScreenWindow = 10; //This is the acceptable 'error' for the center of the screen.
//The degree of change that will be applied to the servo each time we update the position.
int stepSize=1;
void setup() {
//Create a window for the sketch.
size( width, height );
opencv = new OpenCV( this );
opencv.capture( width, height ); // open video stream
opencv.cascade( "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\OpenCV\\data\\haarcascades\\haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" ); // load detection description, here-> front face detection : "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"
// println("Face Detection Robot");
//select first com-port from the list (change the number in the [] if your sketch fails to connect to the Arduino)
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 57600); //Baud rate is set to 57600 to match the Arduino baud rate.
//Send the initial pan/tilt angles to the Arduino to set the device up to look straight forward.
port.write(tiltChannel); //Send the Tilt Servo ID
port.write(servoTiltPosition); //Send the Tilt Position (currently 90 degrees)
port.write(panChannel); //Send the Pan Servo ID
port.write(servoPanPosition); //Send the Pan Position (currently 90 degrees)
public void stop() {
void draw() {
// grab a new frame
// and convert to gray
//opencv.convert( GRAY );
opencv.contrast( contrast_value );
opencv.brightness( brightness_value );
// proceed detection
Rectangle[] faces = opencv.detect( 1.2, 2, OpenCV.HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, 40, 40 );
// display the image
image( opencv.image(), 0, 0 );
// draw face area(s)
for( int i=0; i<faces.length; i++ ) {
rect( faces[i].x, faces[i].y, faces[i].width, faces[i].height );
//Find out if any faces were detected.
if(faces.length > 0){
//If a face was found, find the midpoint of the first face in the frame.
//NOTE: The .x and .y of the face rectangle corresponds to the upper left corner of the rectangle,
// so we manipulate these values to find the midpoint of the rectangle.
midFaceY = faces[0].y + (faces[0].height/2);
midFaceX = faces[0].x + (faces[0].width/2);
//Find out if the Y component of the face is below the middle of the screen.
if (midFaceY > (midScreenY + midScreenWindow)) {
if (servoTiltPosition >= 5)servoTiltPosition -= stepSize; //If it is below the middle of the screen, update the tilt position variable to lower the tilt servo.
//Find out if the Y component of the face is above the middle of the screen.
else if (midFaceY < (midScreenY - midScreenWindow)) {
if (servoTiltPosition <= 175)servoTiltPosition +=stepSize; //Update the tilt position variable to raise the tilt servo.
//Find out if the X component of the face is to the left of the middle of the screen.
if(midFaceX < (midScreenX - midScreenWindow)){
if(servoPanPosition >= 5)servoPanPosition -= stepSize; //Update the pan position variable to move the servo to the left.
//Find out if the X component of the face is to the right of the middle of the screen.
else if(midFaceX > (midScreenX + midScreenWindow)){
if(servoPanPosition <= 175)servoPanPosition +=stepSize; //Update the pan position variable to move the servo to the right.
//Update the servo positions by sending the serial command to the Arduino.
port.write(tiltChannel); //Send the tilt servo ID
port.write(servoTiltPosition); //Send the updated tilt position.
port.write(panChannel); //Send the Pan servo ID
port.write(servoPanPosition); //Send the updated pan position.
if(faces.length == 0){
servoTiltPosition = 90;
servoPanPosition = 90;
* Changes contrast/brigthness values
void mouseDragged() {
contrast_value = (int) map( mouseX, 0, width, -128, 128 );
brightness_value = (int) map( mouseY, 0, width, -128, 128 );
Arduino Code:
#include <Servo.h> //Used to control the Pan/Tilt Servos
//These are variables that hold the servo IDs.
char tiltChannel=0, panChannel=1;
//These are the objects for each servo.
Servo servoTilt, servoPan;
//This is a character that will hold data from the Serial port.
char serialChar=0;
void setup(){
servoTilt.attach(2); //The Tilt servo is attached to pin 2.
servoPan.attach(3); //The Pan servo is attached to pin 3.
servoTilt.write(90); //Initially put the servos both
servoPan.write(90); //at 90 degress.
Serial.begin(57600); //Set up a serial connection for 57600 bps.
void loop(){
while(Serial.available() <=0); //Wait for a character on the serial port.
serialChar = Serial.read(); //Copy the character from the serial port to the variable
if(serialChar == tiltChannel){ //Check to see if the character is the servo ID for the tilt servo
while(Serial.available() <=0); //Wait for the second command byte from the serial port.
servoTilt.write(Serial.read()); //Set the tilt servo position to the value of the second command byte received on the serial port
else if(serialChar == panChannel){ //Check to see if the initial serial character was the servo ID for the pan servo.
while(Serial.available() <= 0); //Wait for the second command byte from the serial port.
servoPan.write(Serial.read()); //Set the pan servo position to the value of the second command byte received from the serial port.
//If the character is not the pan or tilt servo ID, it is ignored.
I need help please give me advice or solutions to my problems and if possible please teach me how to do it for dummies I don't know much about programming.