Face tracking with webcam

Hi All,

Been a while since I posted..... I am looking to make a face-tracking webcam using processing and OpenCV. I have tried to follow the Sparkfun tutorial online but it's quite old and a lot of the links are giving me a 404 error. Despite googling I cant find anything more recent.

Does anybody know of a more recent tutorial or project that I could use as a template? For now I just want to simply make the camera follow a face using 2 servo's on a pan/tilt bracket. Just the sparkfun project.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Analysing pictures to track faces is not something that could be done with an Arduino. I think you need to ask your question on a Processing Forum.


What tutorial, webcam, etc?

Face tracking through video doesn't exactly sound like a task an Arduino is up to.

The comments on Sparkfun's page seem to indicate that this never did work with an Arduino. There is an Instructable using a RPi though. I would believe that a Raspberry Pi would be capable of this, while an Arduino seems to work only to move the camera, given instructions where to move from an attached computer.


Firstly, sorry - maybe I didn't explain very well. The Arduino controls the 2 servo's in a pan/tilt arrangement but receives the signals from a PC running processing/OpenCV. The webcam is connected to the PC.

Here is a link to and instrcutables and a spark-fun project.


Both are quite old and some links no longer work so I was looking to see if anyone knew of anything similar based on more recent versions?

Sorry if I am using the wrong terms. I'm still quite new to all this.


Have you tried to use the Arduino code that is available?

If not, then try it.

If so, what happened?


What code?

There's a lot of code on the pages you linked to.

There is. I hadn't got that far as the links to downloads are broken.

I was asking if there were any more recent projects that do similar as these are quite old?

There is. I hadn't got that far as the links to downloads are broken.

Copy/paste still works.

I was asking if there were any more recent projects that do similar as these are quite old?

How does age matter? There's no expiry date on code.

For the code yes.

But not for the links as they don't work. I'm more confused now. I thought I was asking a simple question but clearly not. sorry to have bothered you.

Why don't you start with the projects you posted the links to? Code is there, explanation is there. Some external links may be broken, but are they really make or break for your project?

One of your links is an instructable. It's generally not a good idea to blindly follow an instructable. They often can give you good ideas but have too many errors to be relied upon so you'll no matter what have to do your own research. Without a basic understanding of what you're trying to do any project is doomed as you won't be able to adept it to your specific hardware or debug the project.

did you find a solution in the end?
Cause I wanna make the same thing and would love to have an instruction how to do a pan / tilt moving device with to servos combined with face tracking.
Thanks so much